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Gwynaedh Corvalis


Gwyn_Character Sheet (currently level 14)




Owain - cohort page


Magic-Blooded Fire-Souled (Bronze) Draconic Human


  • Magic-Blooded (Dragon #306, p. 64): -2 Wis, +2 Cha, low-light vision, +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Spellcraft, Spell-like abilities (CL = character level): detect magic 1/day, Nystul's Magic Aura 1/day, Read Magic 1/day, favored class: Sorcerer
  • Draconic (Draconomicon): +2 Str, +2 Con, +2 Cha, low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft., natural armour +1, claws (1d3), +4 racial save vs sleep and paralysis, +2 racial Spot and Intimidate +1 LA
  • Fire-Souled (Dragon #314, p. 23): +2 Cha, Leadership, Fire Subtype, Immune to Stunning & Dazing; +1 LA (Copied version from Kimoko's wiki)


XP: 92,290

70,000 (character creation)

-3000 (+1 LA buyoff for Draconic)

-0 (+1 LA buyoff for Fire-Souled - free as xp reward for Chapter 3)

-1000 (Permanency: See Invisibility)

-1500 (Permanency: Blessed Sight [BoED])




36 point buy

Ability Base Points Magic-Blooded Draconic Fire-Souled Levels Enhancement Sacred Total
Str 8 0   +2         10 (+0)
Dex 8 4         +2   14 (+2)
Con 8 6   +2     +2   18 (+4)
Int 8 6         +2   16 (+3)
Wis 8 10 -2       +2   16 (+3)
Cha 8 10 +2 +2 +2 +3 +4 +4 31 (+10)



Character Side 1 Side 2 Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Hit Skill
Level Class Class Bonus Save Save Save Die Points
01 Sorcerer 1 Cloistered Cleric 1 +1/2 +2 1/2 +1/3 +2 1/2 D6 6+Int
02 Sorcerer 2 Cloistered Cleric 2 +1 +3 +2/3 +3 D6 6+Int
03 Sorcerer 3 Cloistered Cleric 3 +1 1/2 +3 1/2 +1 +3 1/2 D6 6+Int
04 Dragonblood Sorcerer 4 Church Inquisitor 1 +2 1/4 +3 5/6 +1 1/3 +4 D8 4+Int
05 Sorcerer 5 Church Inquisitor 2 +3 +4 1/6 +1 2/3  +4 1/2 D8 4+Int
06 Paragnostic Apostle 1 Church Inquisitor 3 +3 3/4 +4 1/2 +2 +5 D8 4+Int
07 Incantatrix 1 Silver Pyromancer 1 +4 1/4 +4 5/6 +2 1/3 +5 1/2 D6 2+Int
08 Silver Pyromancer 2 Knight of the Raven 1 +5 1/4 +5 1/3 +2 2/3 +6 D8 2+Int
09 Silver Pyromancer 3 Knight of the Raven 2 +6 1/4 +5 5/6 +3 +6 1/2 D8 2+Int
10 Silver Pyromancer 4 Knight of the Raven 3 +7 1/4 +6 1/3 +3 1/3 +7 D8 2+Int
11 Silver Pyromancer 5 Contemplative 1 +8 +6 2/3 +3 2/3 +7 1/2 D6 2+Int
12 Incantatrix 2 Radiant Servant of Pelor 1 +8 1/2 +7 1/6 +4 +8 D8 2+Int
13 Incantatrix 3 Knight of the Raven 4 +9 1/2 +7 2/3 +4 1/3 +8 1/2 D8 2+Int
14 Incantatrix 4 Knight of the Raven 5 +10 1/2 +8 1/6 +4 2/3 +9 D8 2+Int
15 Incantatrix 5 Knight of the Raven 6 +11 1/2 +8 2/3 +5 +9 1/2 D8 2+Int
16 Incantatrix 6 Knight of the Raven 7 +12 1/2 +9 1/6 +5 1/3 +10 D8 2+Int
17 Incantatrix 7 Knight of the Raven 8 +13 1/2 +9 2/3 +5 2/3 +10 1/2 D8 2+Int
18 Incantatrix 8 Knight of the Raven 9 +14 1/2 +10 1/6 +6 +11 D8 2+Int
19 Incantatrix 9 Knight of the Raven 10 +15 1/2 +10 2/3 +6 1/3 +11 1/2 D8 2+Int
20 Incantatrix 10 ??? +16 +11 +6 2/3 +12 D4 2+Int



Feats and Class Features

Level Feats (italics denotes bonus feat) Side 1 Class Features Side 2 Class Features

Flaws: Feeble & Phantom Sparks (Dragon #327: -4 Hide and Spot)

- Iron Will

- Purify Spell



Athenaeum of Boccob: Sudden Empower, Sudden Maximize (1/day, max 7 uses of each)

Metamagic Storm: Energy Substitution (Electricity)

 -- --

Energy Admixture (Electricity)

Dragon Prophesier


- Knowledge Devotion

- Law Devotion

Divine Companion

Domains (Good, Knowledge, Law)


Turn Undead

02   -- --

Transdimensional Spell

-- --

Arcane Insight +2

Spell-like ability

Detect Evil

Inquisition Domain

05     Immune to charms

Prophecy's Shaper

Leadership (Fire-Souled)

Holy Texts

Knowledge is Power (Energy Supremacy: Fire)


Pierce Illusion
07 Born of the Three Thunders (Incantatrix 1)
Focused Studies (Necromancy banned)

Bow Proficiency


Purge Undead

Sacred Flame

Raven harrier (harry)

Speak with ravens


Heroic Metamagic

Smiting Spell 1/day Smite undead 1/day
Persistent Fire

Raven harrier (baffle)

Sun domain

Turn Undead

11 Extend Spell (Contemplative 1)

Improved Sacred Flame

Smiting Spell (blinding) 3/day

Divine health

Planning domain


Residual Magic

Co-operative Metamagic

Extra Greater Turning


Turn Undead

Metamagic Effect

Light Focus

Smite undead 2/day


Enduring Life (KotR 5)

Persistent Spell (Incantatrix 4)

  Raven harrier (falter)

Arcane Thesis (Scorching Ray)

Metamagic Spell Trigger
Smite undead 3/day

Seize Concentration

Raven harrier (channel spell)


Lasting Life (KotR 8)

Twin Spell (Incantatrix 7)

Instant Metamagic 1/day Smite undead 4/day

Draconic Aura (Energy: Fire)

Snatch Spell Raven harrier (sight link)
19   Instant Metamagic 2/day

Burst of Vitality

Smite Undead 5/day

20 Consecrate Spell (Incantatrix 10)
 Improved Metamagic

Exalted Arcanist 1   (EPIC) FEAT
Exalted Arcanist 2    
Exalted Arcanist 3   B: Servant of the Heavens**
Exalted Arcanist 4   (EPIC) FEAT
Exalted Arcanist 5
B: Sacred Vow**
Arcane Lord (Dragon #297)...? Wonderworker 1 B: Vow of Abstinence**
Saint 1 (buy-off) Celestial Mystic 1? (EPIC) FEAT
Saint 2 (buy-off) High Proselytizer (ELH)...?  


NB: Use Otyugh Pit Magical Location at some point to move metamagic feats up - so can get Twin Spell and Consecrate Spell earlier (insert Split Ray as well) - then can start on Exalted Arcanist at level 20 and head towards Sainthood asap.


Skills Breakdown

Skill Name Ability Mod 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total Ranks Additional Modifiers Total Modifier Conditional
Bluff +10 4                         5 +3 competence (Circlet of Persuasion) +18 --
Concentration +4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17

-2 Feeble flaw

+2 circumstance



Diplomacy +10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17

+2 Bluff synergy

+2 Knowledge (nobility & royalty) synergy

+2 Sense Motive synergy

+2 circumstance

+3 competence (Circlet of Persuasion)

+38 --
Disguise +10                             0 +3 competence (Circlet of Persuasion) +13 +2 to act in character
Gather Info +10                             0 +3 competence (Circlet of Persuasion) +13 --
Heal +3     1 2 3 4 5               5 +2 circumstance +10 --
Hide +2                             0

-4 Phantom Sparks flaw

-2 Feeble flaw

Intimidate +10                             0

+2 Racial

+2 Bluff synergy

+3 competence (Circlet of Persuasion)

+17 --
Knowledge (arcana) +3 4 5 6 7 8 9   10     12 14 16 17 17

+2 Racial

+2 Insight

+2 circumstance

+26 --
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3                             0 --   --
Knowledge (history) +3 4 5                         5 +2 circumstance +10 --
Knowledge (local) +3                             0 --   --
Knowledge (nature) +3                             0 --   --
Knowledge (nobility & royalty) +3 4 5                         5 +2 circumstance +10 --
Knowledge (religion) +3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16   16 +2 circumstance +21 --
Knowledge (the planes) +3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11   13     14   14 +2 circumstance +19 --
Listen +3                             0 -- +3 --
Move Silently +2                             0 -2 Feeble flaw +0  
Perform +10                             0 +3 competence (Circlet of Persuasion) +13  
Profession (Herbalist) +3                             0   +3  
Sense Motive +3 4

  8 +2 circumstance +13 --
Spellcraft +3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16  17 17

+2 Racial

+2 Knowledge (arcana) synergy

+2 circumstance

+5 competence

+31 --
Spot +3                             0

+2 Racial

-4 Phantom Sparks flaw

+1 --
Survival +3                             0 -- +3 +2 on other planes
Use Magic Device +10       1                     1

+2 circumstance

+3 competence (Circlet of Persuasion)

+16 +2 Spellcraft synergy if using scrolls
Skill Tricks -- -- -- 2* -- -- -- -- -- 2** -- -- -- -- 2*** -- -- -- --
Total -- 40 10 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 -- -- -- --


Skill Tricks (Complete Scoundrel):

* Collector of Stories: +5 competence bonus when using a trained knowledge check to identify a creature or its special abilities/vulnerabilities.

** Healing Hands: Whenever successfully stabilizes an injured creature they are healed 1d6 hp.

*** Swift Concentration: Concentrate on a spell as a Swift Action.


Cloistered Cleric Lore +9 (+3 Cloistered Cleric +1 Paragnostic Apostle +3 Int +2 Synergy Knowledge History)




TOTAL AVAILABLE TO SPEND = 163,000 gp (150k WBL +13k Chapter 3 reward)


Item Effect Body Slot Cost Source Story

Mantle of Purity (AKA Cloak of Charisma +4)

+4 Enhancement to Cha

Shoulders 16,000


Upon his rise to a fully fledged Templar of the Radiant Flame Gwyn was presented with this cloak by his former patron/mentor.

Vest of Health +2

+2 Enhancement to Con

Torso 4,000


A pure silver tabard of the type issued to members of the Templars, this one was specially tailored for Gwyn and is traced with the symbol of the flame in a bronze colour that matches Gwyn's scales.
Ring of Mystic Fire

+1 competence bonus to CL when casting fire spells

3 charges/day, adds fire damage to spell as swift action

Ring 1 7,500 MIC 125 A signet ring from the Order of the Pure denoting its bearer as a member of the Silver Pyromancers of at least Adept rank within the organisation.
Moonfriend +3 to effective Cleric level for Turn Undead purposes Ring 2 9,000 EtCR 211  

Amulet of Fortune Prevailing, Periapat of Wisdom +2 and

Natural Armour +1

1/day reroll a failed save

+2 Wis

+1 enhancement to natural armour

Throat 11,000 MIC 69 A protective amulet gifted to Gwyn by his first mentor within the monastery before he joined the inquisition.
Circlet of Persuasion and Intellect

+3 competence bonus to Cha-based checks (including Turning checks)

+2 Int

Head 8,500 DMG 252  
Spellweaving Gauntlets +5 competence bonus to Spellcraft & +2 Dex Hands 6,500 DMG  
Runestaff of the Silver Light

Custom created item:

- Banishment = 7x7x400 = 19,600

- Lucent Lance = 5x5x200 = 5,000

- Righteous Aura = 4x4x200 = 3,200

- Dolorous Motes= 3x3x200 =1,800

- Flashburst = 3x3x200 = 1,800

Spells placed in a runestaff must be arcane, this one was crafted by a fellow Silver Pyromancer - hence granting access to Paladin Spells as arcane spells and making them legitimate choices.

  31,400 MIC 223 for custom rules Gifted to members of the Order of the Radiant Flame as a mark of their position.

Level 4 - Ruin Delver's Fortune

Level 4 - Mark of the Enlightened Soul

Level 1 - Benign Transposition

Level 1 - Blessed Aim

Level 1 - Divine Favor

Level 1 - Guided Shit

Level 1 - Karmic Aura

Level 1 - Shield

  38,000 Dragon #333 Dragonshards found by Gwyn whilst investigating an ancient dragon's lair he believes was once home to his draconic progenitor.  The stones were found alongside a cryptic prophetic message, seemingly a part of the Dragon Prophesy.
Rod of Invisible Spell Use Invisible Spell feat 3/day on any spell up to 6th level   10,500 Cityscape (NB: Using Rod of Energy Substitution [CArc] as basis for price)
Summon Divine Companion Ritual costs   100   Gwyn is followed around by an unusual raven, the plumage of which is entirely a pure silver colour.  Those with spirit sight occasionally catch a glimpse of the bird out of the corner of their eye and for a moment it appears to be wreathed in silver flames.

Holy Symbol (flametouched iron

+1 to effective Cleric level for Turn Undead purposes



ECS 122

Standard equipment for clerics of the Silver Flame.
Spell Component Pouch + various sundries          
Bird Feather Token     300   Plucked from the plummage of his raven companion (he didn't mind)  - gifted to Owain
Athenaeum of Boccob Grants Sudden Empower and Sudden Maximize feats.   2,000 CC  
Metamagic Storm Grants Energy Substitution (Electricity) feat.   5,000 CM  
Phylactery of Undead Turning +4 to effective Cleric level for Turn Undead purposes.   11,000 DMG 264  
Masterwork Tools

- Concentration

- Diplomacy

- Healer's Kit

- Intimidate

- Knowledge Arcana

- Knowledge History

- Knowledge Nobility & Royalty

- Knowledge Religion

- Knowledge Planes

- Sense Motive

- Spellcraft


  600 PHB  
     Total 162,150    


Equipment for the Future:

- Armbands of Maximized Healing (MIC 72)?

- Sepulchral Vest (MIC 133)?

- Vestments of Divinity (MIC)


Sorcerer Spells


Caster Level: 13

Fire: CL 15 (uses Character level +1 Paragnostic Apostle's Energy Supremacy +1 competence Ring of Mystic Fire)

Good: +1 Caster Level (Good domain - note that Purify Spell makes spells good-aligned, as does the spell Mark of the Enlightened Soul when in effect)

Light: treble radius of illumination, heightened by +1 level, +1 level for purposes of countering/dispelling/etc, +2 to saving throw DC,  and +1 CL.


Dispel: +4 to dispel checks (Inquisition domain)

Spell Penetration: d20+CL (+4 vs evil when using Smiting Spell ability)


Sorcerer Spells per day: 6/9/9/8/8/8/6


Sorcerer Spells Known (work in progress)


0-level (9)

- Amanuensis (SC)

- Arcane Mark

- Detect Magic

- Electric Jolt (SC)

- Flare

- Mage Hand

- Message

- Prestidigitation

- Read Magic


1-level (8)

- Benign Transposition (SC)

- Greater Mage Hand (SC)

- Guided Shot (SC)

- Lesser Restoration (Paladin spell)

- Orb of Fire, Lesser (SC)

- Raging Flame (SC)

- Shield

- Slow Burn (SC)


2-level (6)

Runestaff - Detect Thoughts

- ???

- Gust of Wind

- Invisibility

- Scorching Ray

- Turn Anathema (CC - Paladin Spell)

- Wings of Cover (RotD) (Dragonblood: can use to provide cover for adjacent allies)


- Chain of Eyes (SC)?

- Combust (SC)? - pick up later to channel through Raven familiar

- Pyrotechnics?

- Zone of Truth?

- Aura of Glory?

- Quick March?


3-level (4)

Runestaff - Dolorous Motes (BoED)

- Fireball

Runestaff - Flashburst (SC)

- Fly

- Greater Mage Armour (SC)

- Lightning Bolt


- Anticipate Teleportation (SC)?

- Energy Vulnerability (PHB2)?

- Karmic Backlash (CM)?

- Nondetection?


4-level (6)

- Channeled Pyroburst (PHB2)

- Dimension Door

- Mark of the Enlightened Soul (Dragon Magic)

Runestaff - Righteous Aura (SC - Paladin Spell)

- Ruin Delver's Fortune (SC)

- Sword of Conscience (BoED)

- Wings of Flurry (RotD) (Dragonblood: +1 CL)


- Dispel Evil (Paladin)?

- Orb of Fire?

- Overland Flight?

- Solid Fog?


5-level (3)

- Dismissal

- Firebrand (SC)

Runestaff - Lucent Lance (SC)

- Unfettered Heroism (Races of Eberron)


- Arcane Fusion?

- Dimension Jumper (CM)?

- Draconic Polymorph?

- Dragonsight?


6-level (2)

- Greater Dispel Magic

- ???


- Contingency?

- Anticipate Teleportation, Greater (SC)?

- Glimpse of the Prophecy (MoE)?

- Lingering Flames (CM)?

- Resistance, Superior (SC)?


Cleric Spells as 11th Level Cleric


Domains: Good, Inquisition, Planning, Sun (Knowledge and Law traded for Devotion feats)


Spells per day: 6/6+1/5+1/5+1/3+1/2+1/1+1



Spells Prepared


0-level (6)

- Create Water

- Detect Poison

- Guidance

- Light

- Mending

- Purify Food and Drink


1-level (6+1)

- Entropic Shield

- Obscuring Mist

- Omen of Peril (SC)

- Resurgence (SC)

- Shield of Faith

- ???

D - Protection From Evil (Good: +1 CL) / Detect Chaos (Inquisition) / Deathwatch (Planning) / Endure Elements (Sun)


2-level (5+1)

- Consecrate (Good: +1 CL)

- Divine Insight (SC) - expend as immediate action for +15 insight bonus to one skill check

- Divine Insight (SC) - expend as immediate action for +15 insight bonus to one skill check

- Lore of the Gods (CC)

- ???

D - Aid (Good) / Zone of Truth (Inquisition) / Augury (Planning) / Heat Metal (Sun)


3-level (5+1)

- Cloak of Bravery (SC)

- Light of Wisdom (CC) - +1 per 3 CL (+3) to Cleric level for turning

- Mantle of Good (SC, Good: +1 CL) - provides SR 24 vis spells with evil descriptor for 120 mins.

- Protection from Energy

- Wind Wall

D - Magic Circle Against Evil (Good: +1 CL) / Detect Thoughts (Inquisition) / Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (Planning) / Searing Light (Sun)


4-level (3+1)

- Light of Purity (CC) - +1d6 per 4 CL (+2d6) to turning damage

- Mystic Aegis (PHB 2) - SR 23 vs one spell as an immediate action

- Restoration

D - Holy Smite (Good: +1 CL) / Discern Lies (Inquisition) / Status (Planning) / Fire Shield (Sun) (CL 15)


Light of Purity (CC)?



5-level (2+1)

- Etherealness, Swift (PHB2)

- Extended Greater Luminous Armour

D - Dispel Evil (Good: +1 CL) / True Seeing(Inquisition) / Detect Scrying (Planning) / Flame Strike (Sun) (Fire: CL 15)



6-level (1+1)

- ???

D - Blade Barrier (Good) / Geas/Quest (Inquisition) / Heroes' Feast (Planning) / Fire Seeds (Sun) (CL 15)


Light of Courage (CC)?


(For the future: Energy Immunity, Mantle of the Icy Soul + Algid Enhancement)


Morning Buff Sequence

- Extended Luminour Armour (22 hours, +6 armor, -4 opponents to-hit rolls, sheds bright light)

- Extended Greater Mage Armour (24 hours, +6 armor) - although this overlaps with Luminous Armour it is cast because it functions against incorporeal opponents.

- Extended Righteous Aura (26 hours, +4 sacred bonus to Charisma, if killed explode in blast of positive energy and Raise Dead doesn't work due to lack of remains)

- Status (11 hours, tracks condition and location of allies)

Expended: Sorcerer 5th, Sorcerer 2nd, Cleric 5th, Cleric 2nd

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