
Gwyn_Character Sheet

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Gwyn Build Page


Simple Version of Gwyn


Gwynaedh Corvalis

Sorcerer 5 / Paragnostic Apostle 1 / Incantatrix 4 / Silver Pyromancer 2-5// Cloistered Cleric 3 / Church Inquisitor 3 / Knight of the Raven Templar of the Radiant Flame 5 / Contemplative 1 / Radiant Servant of Pelor the Flame 1

Medium Male Humanoid [Dragonblood, Fire]

Alignment: Lawful Good

Deity: The Silver Flame

Home Region: Thrane



Ability Normal Temporary
Str 10 +0    
Dex 14 +2    
Con 18 +4    
Int 16 +3    
Wis 16 +3    
Cha 27 +8  31 +10


Combat Stats



Speed: 30 ft.

Action Points: 12 (Chapter 4: 12 remaining)



- Listen +3

- Spot +1

- Darkvision 60 ft.

- low-light vision

- permanent Blessed Sight (sees evil auras)

- permanent See Invisibility (sees invisible).



(Invisible Bright light to 180 ft., dim light for further 180 ft.)

- Blessed Aim (50 ft.): +2 morale bonus on ranged attacks for all allies.

- Bolstering Voice (60 ft.): Provided by Blackwing the Raven (currently sat on Gwyn's shoulder), all allies in range receive a +2 Morale bonus on Will saves (increasing to +4 vs fear).

- Celestial Brilliance (180 ft.): Undead within range take 1d6+50% damage at the start of Gwyn's turn, evil outsiders in range take 2d6+50% damage

- Karmic Aura (20 ft.): Creatures within range that damage Gwyn must take a DC 21 Will save.  Failure means the offending creature is fatigued for 3 rounds.  Creatures need only make one save against this effect per round.




AC: 30 (10 +2 Dex +2 Natural Armour +11 Armour Luminous Armour +4 Shield Shield +1 Insight Glimpse of the Prophecy)

Flat-footed AC: 28 (10 +2 Natural Armour +11 Armour Luminous Armour +4 Shield Shield +1 Insight Glimpse of the Prophecy)

Touch AC: 22 (10 +2 Dex +9 Armour Greater Mage Armour +1 Insight Glimpse of the Prophecy)

Flat-footed Touch AC: 20 (10 +9 Armour Greater Mage Armour +1 Insight Glimpse of the Prophecy)

Incorporeal Touch AC: 26 (10 +2 Dex +9 Armour Greater Mage Armour +4 Shield Shield +1 Insight Glimpse of the Prophecy)

    -4 on opponent's attacks rolls (Luminous Armour)

    (+ Law Devotion, Divine Companion, Buff Spells)



Fort +13 (+8 base +4 Con +1 Insight Glimpse of the Prophecy)

Ref +7 (+4 base +2 Dex +1 Insight Glimpse of the Prophecy)

Will +18 (+9 base +3 Wis +2 Iron Will +2 Morale [Raven's Bolstering Voice] +1 Insight Glimpse of the Prophecy)

   +4 Racial vs sleep and paralysis

    +4 Morale vs Fear [Blackwing's Bolstering Voice - effective +2 to save listed above)

    (+ Divine Companion, Buff Spells, Ruin Delver's Fortune)


HP (Current/Max): 160/160



- Dazing

- Diseases (inc magical diseases)

- Enchantment (charm) spells and effects

- Fire damage

- Stunning

Cold Vulnerability: +50% damage from cold



Melee: Quarterstaff +15/+10 melee (+10/+5 BAB +0 Str +3 Luck Divine Favor +2 Morale Blessed Aim) (1d6+3) (1d6 base +3 luck Divine Favor)

Ranged: +17 (+10/+5 BAB +2 Dex +3 Luck Divine Favor +2 Morale Blessed Aim)

    + Knowledge Devotion

    + Law Devotion

    Ignores less than total concealment or total cover (Guided Shot).


Class Features


Proficiencies: All simple weapons, shortbows and longbows, light armour


Co-operative Metamagic (Incantatrix 2): 5/day may spend full-round action to apply metamagic feat Gwyn knows to an allies spell as it is being cast with a Spellcraft check (metamagic caps in effect as per houserules).

Detect Evil (Church Inquisitor 1): at will Detect Evil .

Divine Companion (Sorcerer 1): charge up with spells slots, maximum capacity equal to arcane caster level (12).  Release in one of two ways:

- Healing: Standard action, heals self 1d6 damage per spell level used

- Shielding: Swift action, deflection bonus to AC and resistance bonus to saves equal to spell levels used, duration = 1 round/arcane caster level

Divine Health (Contemplative 1): Immune to all diseases, including magical diseases (e.g. lycanthropy, mummy rot)www.m.

Extra Greater Turning (Radiant Servant 1): may use Greater Turning ability 3+Cha times per day.

Focused Studies (Incantatrix 1): cannot select or cast spells of the necromancy school.

Good Domain (Cleric 1): +1 CL on spells with the Good descriptor.

Immune to charms (Church Inquisitor 2): Immunity to Enchantment (charm) spells and effects.

Improved Sacred Flame (Silver Pyromancer 5): can choose to change any spell that deals fire damage so that it deals divine damage (cannot combine with Persistent Fire or Smiting Spell abilities).

Inquisition Domain (Church Inquisitor 1): +4 on dispel checks.

Knowledge Domain (Cleric 1): traded for Knowledge Devotion feat.

Knowledge is Power (Energy Supremacy: Fire) (Paragnostic Apostle 1): +1 CL on all fire spells.

Law Domain (Cleric 1): traded for Law Devotion.

Light Focus (Knight of the Raven 4): Whenever Gwyn casts a spell with the Light descriptor receive the following benefits: double radius of illumination, +1 level for purposes of countering/dispelling/etc, increase saving throw DC by 2 and CL by 1.

Lore (Cleric 1): As bardic knowledge ability, +8 modifier.

Metamagic Effect (Incantatrix 3): 5/day may apply metamagic feat Gwyn knows to a spell currently in effect as a full-round action with Spellcraft check (metamagic caps in effect as per houserules).

Persistent Fire (Silver Pyromancer 4): whenever an opponent fails a save against one of my fire spells it takes 1d6 fire damage on the next round as the flames continue to burn.

Pierce Illusion (Church Inquisitor 3): makes Will save to disbelieve illusions and disguises on sight, no need to interact with them.

Purge Undead (Silver Pyromancer 1): Standard Action, use Turn Undead attempt to deal 28d6 untyped damage to undead within 30 ft. radius (full effect vs incorporeal creatures), DC 27 Will save for half, undead with Turn Resistance reduce damage taken by that value.

Pyromancer (Silver Pyromancer 1): use character level as CL for fire spells.

Radiance (Radiant Servant 1): Whenever Gwyn casts a spell with the Light descriptor apply the following benefits: double radius of illumination, +1 spell level for all purposes.

Raven Harrier(Knight of the Raven 1): Gain a Celestial Raven as a companion.  It has Intelligence 3, uses Gwyn's base saves, Gwyn's HD for determining benefits of Celestial template, and never provokes AoOs for movement.  If it is called it reappears at dawn the next morning.

- Baffle: If at the start of Gwyn's turn the raven is in an opponent's space then that opponent must take a DC 22 Will save, failure means that opponent cannot make Attacks of Opportunity for 1 round.

- Falter: If Blackwing occupies an opponent's space then that opponent provokes attacks of opportunity from threatening foes even when it takes a 5-foot step.  Blackwing automatically follows an opponent who takes a 5-foot step.


- Harry: swift action, opponent within 30 ft. must succeed on a DC 20 Will save or suffer a -2 penalty to their AC for 1 round.

- White Raven Tactics: 1/encounter.

Smite Undead 2/day (Knight of the Raven 2/4): free action to use on one melee attack, grants +10 attack +4 damage (if roll a 20 on attack roll bonus damage increases to +8, this is independent from any critical effect).

Smiting Spell (blinding) 3/day (0 uses remaining) (Silver Pyromancer 3/5): free action, declare use before casting spell, +4 bonus to penetrate SR of evil creatures and spells deal +50% damage to evil creatures (stacks with Empower Spell).  Evil creatures take a -2 penalty on their saving throws, and any evil creature that fails its saving throw against a Smiting Spell is blinded for 1 round.

Speak with Ravens (Knight of the Raven 1): able to speak to any raven.

Sun Domain (Radiant Servant 1): Greater Turning 1/day.

Turn Undead (Cleric 1): as 15th level Cleric; 13/13 per day, range 60 ft., d20+15 turning check, 2d6+25 turning damage.

Turn Undead, Greater (Radiant Servant 1): 13/13 per day, as above, but turned undead are automatically destroyed.




Feeble: -2 on Str-, Dex- and Con-based ability and skill checks.

Phantom Sparks: Spontaneously emit sparks of light when conscious: -4 on Hide and Spot checks.




Born of the Three Thunders [Metamagic]: +0 adjustment, apply to spell with electricity or sonic descriptor, half elecricity damage becomes sonic (and vice versa), in addition to damage dealt creatures struck are stunned for 1 round (Fort negates), and stunned creatures are knocked prone (Reflex negates).  Spell is changed to have both electricity and sonic descriptors.  Caster is automatically dazed for 1 round after using this feat.

Dragon Prophesier: 9/day (9 remaining) enter state of prophetic favour as a full-round action, duration = 11 rounds, grants +1 Insight bonus on saves and Prophecy's Shaper benefits.

Enduring Life:

Energy Admixture (Electricity) [Metamagic]: +4 level adjustment, deal damage of spell again as electricity damage, adds electricity descriptor to the spell.

Energy Substitution (Electricity) [Metamagic]: +0 adjustment, changes energy type of spell, damage dealt and descriptor to electricity.

Extend Spell (Metamagic): +1 adjustment, doubles duration of spell.

Heroic Metamagic: Spend action points to spontaneously apply metamagic feats at no increase of casting time, 1 AP per spell level increase of the metamagic feat.

Iron Will: +2 bonus on Will saves.

Knowledge Devotion: Gain insight bonus to attacks and damage vs opponents based on appropriate Knowledge check (non action to use).

Law Devotion: 1/day as a swift action gain a +5 sacred bonus to attacks/AC (may change between the two at start of each turn at no action cost), lasts for 1 minute (10 rounds).  May gain an extra use of this ability for every 3 turn undead uses expended.

Leadership: Cohort of Gwyn's level -2 (Owain - deceased) + followers (unused).

Persistent Spell [Metamagic]: +6 adjustment, Increases duration to 24 hours.

Prophecy's Shaper: Empower one spell per round with no adjustment in spell's level or casting time.  Cannot be used on spells of the highest level that you can cast.

Purify Spell (Metamagic): +1 adjustment, acquires Good descriptor (+1 CL), deals no damage to good creatures, half damage to neutral creatures, or increases damage dice by one size if used against evil outsiders.

Transdimensional Spell [Metamagic]: +1 adjustment, spell affects incorporeal, ethereal and beings on other planes.

Residual Magic: allows the use of two tactical maneuvers:

- Enduring Potency: If you cast a spell from your daily allotment of spells and then in the next round cast the same spell from a wand/scroll then you may treat the second casting as if it had come from your daily allotment of spells (for caster level, save DCs, etc).

- Lingering Metamagic: if you cast a spell affected by one or more metamagic feats, and then in the next round cast the same spell again then you can apply any one metamagic feat to the second casting of the spell at no increase to casting time or level of spell slot required.  This second casting does not qualify for use of Lingering Metamagic in the subsequent round, and you cannot use this in conjunction with metamagic feats applied via a magic item (e.g. metamagic rods).

Sudden Empower: 1/day apply Empower Spell feat to a spell as it is being cast (7 uses remaining).

Sudden Maximize: 1/day apply Maximize Spell feat to a spell as it is being cast (7 uses remaining).




Bluff +18

Concentration +21 (Swift Concentration)

Diplomacy +38

Disguise +13 (+2 to act in character)

Gather Information +13

Heal +10 (Healing Hands)

Hide -4

Intimidate +17

Knowledge (arcana) +26 (Collector of Stories)

Knowledge (history) +10 (Collector of Stories)

Knowledge (nobility & royalty) +10 (Collector of Stories)

Knowledge (religion) +21 (Collector of Stories)

Knowledge (the planes) +19 (Collector of Stories)

Listen +3

Move Silently +0


Perform +13

Sense Motive +13

Spellcraft +31

Spot +1

Survival +3 (+2 on other planes)

Use Magic Device +16 (+2 if using on scrolls)



Common, Celestial, Draconic




Persistent Blessed Aim (CL 14, 24 hours)

Extended Empowered Celestial Brilliance (CL 12, 24 days)

Persistent Divine Favor (CL 14, 24 hours)

Divine Insight (CL 12, 12 hours)

Glimpse of the Prophecy (CL 12, 12 hours)

Extended Greater Luminous Armour (CL 12, 24 hours)

Extended Greater Mage Armour (CL 14, 28 hours)

Persistent Guided Shot (CL 14, 24 hours)

Persistent Karmic Aura (CL 14, 24 hours)

Magic Vestment (CL 12, 12 hours)

Extended Righteous Aura (CL 15, 30 hours) [Light]

Persistent Shield (CL 14, 24 hours)

Status (CL 12, 12 hours)


Divine Companion spell levels currently stored: 14

Divine Companion: Active: Shielding +XX (X rounds remaining)

Prophetic Favour: Active (X rounds remaining)




Sorcerer Caster Level: 14

Cleric Caster Level: 12


Dispel: +4 to dispel checks (+4 Inquisition domain)

Spell Penetration: d20+CL (+4 vs evil when using Smiting Spell ability)


Fire: CL 16 (uses Character level +1 Paragnostic Apostle's Energy Supremacy +1 competence Ring of Mystic Fire)

Good: +1 Caster Level (Good domain - note that Purify Spell makes spells good-aligned, as does the spell Mark of the Enlightened Soul when in effect)

Light: treble radius of illumination, heightened by +1 level, +1 level for purposes of countering/dispelling/etc, +2 to saving throw DC,  and +1 CL.




Save DCs:



Spell Level Sorcerer DC Cleric DC
0 20 13
1 21 14
2 22 15
3 23 16
4 24 17
5 25 18
6 26 19
7 27 --
  Conditional: +2 if [Light] Spell


Sorcerer Spellcasting

Base Spells Per Day: 6/9/9/8/8/8/7/4

Remaining Spells per day: 


0-level (9)

- Amanuensis (SC)

- Arcane Mark

- Detect Magic

- Electric Jolt (SC)

- Flare

- Mage Hand

- Message

- Prestidigitation

- Read Magic


1-level (10)

- Benign Transposition (SC)

- Divine Favor

- Greater Mage Hand (SC)

- Guided Shot (SC)

- Karmic Aura (CM)

- Lesser Restoration (Paladin spell)

- Orb of Fire, Lesser (SC)

- Raging Flame (SC)

- Shield

- Slow Burn (SC)


2-level (6)

- Gust of Wind

- Invisibility

- Scorching Ray

- Turn Anathema (CC - Paladin Spell)

- Wings of Cover (RotD) (Dragonblood: can use to provide cover for adjacent allies)


3-level (4)

- Dolorous Motes (BoED) (Runestaff, 3/day)

- Fireball

- Flashburst (SC) (Light) (Runestaff, 3/day)


- Fly

- Greater Mage Armour (SC)

- Lightning Bolt


4-level (6)

- Channeled Pyroburst (PHB2)

- Dimension Door

- Mark of the Enlightened Soul (Dragon Magic)

- Righteous Aura (SC - Paladin Spell) (Light) (Runestaff 3/day)


- Ruin Delver's Fortune (SC)

- Sword of Conscience (BoED)

- Wings of Flurry (RotD) (Dragonblood: +1 CL)


5-level (3)

- Etherealness, Swift (PHB2)

- Firebrand (SC)

- Lucent Lance (SC) (Light) (Runestaff 3/day)


- Unfettered Heroism (RoE)



6-level (2)

- Greater Dispel Magic

- ???


7-Level (1)

- Arcane Spellsurge (Dragon Magic)

- Banishment (Runestaff 3/day)



Cleric Spellcasting


Domains: Good, Inquisition, Planning, Sun (Knowledge and Law traded for Devotion feats)

Base Spells per day: 6/6+1/5+1/5+1/3+1/3+1/2+1


Spells Prepared


0-level (6)

- Create Water

- Detect Poison

- Guidance

- Light (Light)

- Mending

- Purify Food and Drink


1-level (6+1)

- Entropic Shield

- Guiding Light (SC)

- Obscuring Mist

- Omen of Peril (SC)

- Resurgence (SC)

- Shield of Faith

D - Protection From Evil (Good: +1 CL) / Detect Chaos (Inquisition) / Deathwatch (Planning) / Endure Elements (Sun)


2-level (5+1)

- Consecrate (Good: +1 CL)

- Divine Insight (SC) - expend as immediate action for +15 insight bonus to one skill check

- Divine Insight (SC) - expend as immediate action for +15 insight bonus to one skill check

- Lore of the Gods (CC)

- Status

D - Aid (Good) / Zone of Truth (Inquisition) / Augury (Planning) / Heat Metal (Sun)


3-level (5+1)

- Cloak of Bravery (SC)

- Light of Wisdom (CC) - +3 to Cleric level for turning

- Magic Vestment

- Mantle of Good (SC, Good: +1 CL) - provides SR 24 vs spells with evil descriptor for 120 mins.

- Protection from Energy

D - Magic Circle Against Evil (Good: +1 CL) / Detect Thoughts (Inquisition) / Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (Planning) / Searing Light (Sun)


4-level (3+1)

- Assay Spell Resistance (SC)

- Light of Purity (CC): +3d6 Turning damage

- Restoration

D - Holy Smite (Good: +1 CL) / Discern Lies (Inquisition) / Status (Planning) / Fire Shield (Sun) (CL 15)


5-level (3+1)

- Commune

- Extended Greater Luminous Armour

- Triadspell? (so can give allies Magic Vestment spell each morning)

D - Dispel Evil (Good: +1 CL) / True Seeing (Inquisition) / Detect Scrying (Planning) / Flame Strike (Sun) (Fire: CL 15)


6-level (2+1)

- Glimpse of the Prophecy (Magic of Eberron)

- Heal

D - Blade Barrier (Good) / Geas/Quest (Inquisition) / Heroes' Feast (Planning) / Fire Seeds (Sun) (CL 15)


Morning Buff Sequence

Glimpse of the Prophecy (CL 12, 12 hours): +1 insight bonus to AC and saves, can expend spell as immediate action to enter Prophetic Favor.

Extended Invisible [Rod] Greater Luminour Armour (CL 12, 24 hours): +8 armor, -4 opponents to-hit rolls, sheds bright light to radius of 180 ft. (and dim light for a further 180 ft. beyond that), counters and dispels darkness spells of 4th level or lower.  Heightened to 5th level spell and cast at CL 12 for dispel purposes.

Extended Greater Mage Armour (CL 14, 28 hours): +6 armor, although this overlaps with Luminous Armour it is cast because it functions against incorporeal opponents.

Magic Vestment (CL 12: 12 hours): +3 enhancement bonus to suit of armour).

Extended Invisible [Rod] Righteous Aura (CL 15, 30 hours): +4 sacred bonus to Charisma, if killed explode in blast of positive energy and Raise Dead doesn't work due to lack of remains)

Status (CL 12, 12 hours): tracks condition and location of allies)

Extended Empowered [Prophecy's Shaper] Invisible [Rod] Celestial Brilliance (CL 12, 24 days, heightened to 5th level spell): sheds bright light to radius of 180 ft. (and dim light for a further 180 ft. beyond that), counters or dispels any darkness spell of 6th level and lower, creatures with light sensitivity take twice the usual penalty within this area of bright light, at the start of each of Gwyn's turns undead within the bright light take 1d6+50% points of damage and evil outsiders take 2d6+50% points of damage.

Divine Insight (CL 12, 12 hours): expend as immediate action for +15 insight bonus to one skill check.


Heroes' Feast?  Triadspell?



Expended Slots: Cleric 5th, Sorcerer 4th, Cleric 3rd, Sorcerer 5th, 2 x Cleric 2nd, Cleric 5th (once every 22 days), 5 x Sorcerer 1st (see Persistent spells below), and need to expend 14 Sorcerer spell levels to fully charge Divine Companion.




Co-operative Metamagic (Incantatrix) 6/day

Takes 10 on any Spellcraft checks for 41, which auto-succeeds vs DC 39


- ???

- ???

- ???

- ???

- ???

- ???


Metamagic Effect (Incantatrix) 6/day

Takes 10 on any Spellcraft checks for 41, which auto-succeeds vs DC 39


- Persistent Blessed Aim (CL 14, 24 hours): +2 morale bonus on ranged attacks for all allies within 50 ft.

- Persistent Divine Favor (CL 14, 24 hours): +3 luck bonus to attack rolls and weapon damage rolls

- Persistent Guided Shot (CL 14, 24 hours): ignores anything less than total concealment or total cover.

- Persistent Karmic Aura (CL 14, 24 hours): any creature within 20 ft. of Gwyn that deals damage to him must take a DC 21 Will save.  Failure means that the offending creature is fatigued for 3 rounds.  Creatures need only make one save against this effect each round.

- Persistent Shield (CL 14, 24 hours): +4 shield bonus to AC

- ???




Shoulders: Mantle of Purity (Cha +4)

Head: Circlet of Persuasion and Intellect (DMG 252): Int +2 and +3 competence bonus to Cha-based checks.

Neck: Amulet of Stars (aka Amulet of Fortune Prevailing [MIC 69], Wis +2, natural armour +1)

Torso: Tabard of Health (Con +2)

Hands: Spellweaving Gauntlets (Dex +2, Spellcraft +5)

Ring I: Ring of Mystic Fire (MIC 125) - 3 charges remaining

Ring II: Moonfriend (EtCR 211): +3 to effective Cleric level for turning purposes.

Runestaff of the Silver Light (Banishment, Lucent Lance, Righteous Aura, Dolorous Motes, Flashburst)

Phylactery of Undead Turning (DMG): +4 to effective Cleric level for turning purposes.

8 x Dragonshards (aka Knowstones, Dragon #333: Benign Transposition/Blessed Aim/Divine Favor/Guided Shot/Karmic Aura/Shield/Mark of the Enlightened Soul/Ruin Delver's Fortune)

Rod of Invisible Spell (normal, 3/day)

Flametouched iron Holy Symbol (ECS 122): +1 to effective Cleric level for turning purposes.

Spell Component Pouch

Masterwork Tools (Concentration, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge [Arcana, History, Nobility & Royalty, Religion, the Planes], Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device)

850 gp petty cash


Magical Locations: Athenaeum of Boccob (Sudden Empower, Sudden Maximize),  Metamagic Storm (Energy Substitution: Electricity)

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