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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 4 months ago


Gwynaedh Corvalis

"4e" Simple Version



Str: 1 =11+1 = 12 (+1)

Dex: 2 =12+1 = 13(+1)

Con: 2 =12+1 = 13 (+1)

Int: 4 =14+1+1 = 16 (+3)

Wis: 8 =16+2+1+1 = 20 (+5)

Cha: 15=18+2+1+1 = 22 (+6)



Healing Surges: 9 (8+1 Con)




Trained Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy, Insight, Religion

Arcana +14 (+6 ½ level +5 trained +3 Int)

Diplomacy +17 (+6 ½ level +5 trained +6 Cha)

Insight +19 (+6 ½ level +5 trained +5 Wis +3 Skill Focus)

Intimidate +17 (+6 ½ level +5 trained +6 Cha)

Religion +14 (+6 ½ level +5 trained +3 Int)

Untrained Skills: 6+ Relevant Ability Mod




Scorching Ray = +16 vs Ref (6 1/2 level + 6 Cha +4 Boost)

Fireball = +12 vs Ref (6 1/2 level + 6 Cha)

Wings of Flurry = +12 vs Fort (stun) (6 1/2 level + 6 Cha)

Purge Undead = +14 vs Fort (vs undead only) (6 1/2 level + 6 Cha +2 Boost)

Command / Rebuke = +11 vs Will (6 1/2 level + 5 Wis)

Banishment/Dismissal = +16 vs Will (vs demons only) (6 1/2 level + 6 Cha +4 Boost)




Encounter: Born of the Three Thunders (Scorching Ray) +3

Encounter: Smiting Spell (Fireball) +3

Daily: Assay SR (Banishment) +5






--may take skill bocus--
--one daily +5 (Celestial Brilliance)

--one enc +3 (Born of the Three Thunders)

01 F Skill Training (Intimidate)

02 +

03 F Skill Focus (Insight)

04 +,stat+1

05 F Boost (Scorching Ray) - aka Prophecy's Shaper

--may take boosts--

06 +

07 F Boost (Purge Undead) - aka Turn Advancement from KotR

08 +,stat+1

09 F Boost (Banishment)

10 +

--may take boost2s--

--two enc +3 (Unfettered Heroism)

11 F Boost II (Scorching Ray) - aka Heroic Metamagic

12 +,stat+1

13 F Boost II (Banishment)

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