

Page history last edited by ChristopherGroves 16 years, 9 months ago

This is where I'm going to keep track of summary info on Rass in his current state.  I didn't do a good job of doing that before, but this page will have condensed info from all the various pages.


Always-On Buffs
Fast Healing 6
Immune Acid, Cold, Electricity, Petrification
Resist Fire 10
Extra damage against evil (1d6) or undead/evil outsiders (1d8); they take this damage when they hit me as well
DR 10/evil
Low-light, darkvision
Resist poison +4 saves
Tongues always on
DC +2 on spells and abilities
Guidance, Resistance, Virtue, Bless at will

Immune Fear

Never flat-footed (cunning, legacy item)
WIS +4 item, CHA +2 item, Resistance +2 item
Natural attacks are treated as magical 


Current Buffs

Owl's Insight - WIS bonus - 60 mins 3 elapsed

Shifting / Enhanced Shifting (increased WIS) - 24 rounds 18 elapsed

Bite of the Werewolf (attributes, natural armor, etc.) - extended 24 rounds 11 elapsed

Master Air (fly speed) - extended 24 rounds 18 elapsed

Embrace the Wild - 120 mins, 3 elapsed

Wild Instincts - 12 minutes  5 elapsed

Sheltered Vitality - 12 minutes = 72 rounds =45 elapsed

Top Elemental - 12 rounds, 10 elapsed

Middle Elemental - 12 rounds, 9 elapsed

Bottom Elemental - 12 rounds, 8 elapsed



Current Maneuvers and Stances

Stance - Assassin's Stance



1 Revitalizing Strike

2 Soaring Raptor Strike

3 Mountain Hammer

4 Shadow Stride

5 Crusader's Strike


Granted:  Revitalizing Strike, Shadow Stride, Soaring Raptor Strike, Crusader's Strike



1 Shadow Blade Technique

2 Sudden Leap - USED

3 Iron Heart Surge

4 Action Before Thought



STR 22

CON 30

DEX 18

INT 14

WIS 32

CHA 18


Hit Points




Fort 17 // Reflex 13 // Will 26



50 Normal

39 Touch

(never flat-footed due to legacy item but if something supresses it ...)

34 Flat-Footed

25 Flat-Footed, Touch







  Greataxe +24 to hit (2d6+9) + 1d6 (if evil) or +1d8 (if evil outsider or undead)


  Greataxe +22 to hit (2d6+9) + 1d6 (if evil) or +1d8 (if evil outsider or undead)

  Greataxe +17 to hit (2d6+9) + 1d6 (if evil) or +1d8 (if evil outsider or undead)

  Armor Spikes +21 to hit (1d6+6) + 1d6 (if evil) or +1d8 (if evil outsider or undead)

  Bite +17 to hit (1d6+9) +1d6 (if evil) or+1d8 (if evil outsider or undead)


Skill Check
Balance 11
Climb 6
Jump 36
Tumble 9
K(religion) 10
Concentration 19
K(nature) 17
Spellcraft 17
Spot 25
Listen 20
Survival 26
Hide 27
Move Silently 7
Intimidate 9
Heal 13
Search 7



Chastise Spirits

Per-day uses:  7 (used 3)

Damage:  6d6

DC:  22 (will half)




First 8

Entangle, Shifter Prowess, Spider Hand

Second 8 - used 2

Embrace the Wild, Master Air, Wild Instincts

Third 8 - used 2

Enhanced Shifting, Bite of the Werewolf, Evard's Menacing Tentacles

Fourth 9 - used 3

Sheltered Vitality, Moon Bolt, Meteoric Strike

Fifth 6 - used 1

Owl's Insight, Haste

Sixth 4 - used 3

Summon Nature's Ally 6


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