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25 December, 2007



25 December, 2007







The Sisters of Mercy


Gravetouched Ghoul (Lachesis)

side 1: swordsage 3/monk 1/crusader or warblade 1/shadowsun ninja 10/master of nine 5

side 2: primordial half giant 1/gravetouched ghoul 2/phrenic 2/warmind 10/lurking terror 3/evolved undead 1/spellstiched 1

buffs: defensive precognition, force screen

Medium Undead (Augmented, Psionic)

HP = 20d12 + 40 (desecrate) + 40 (corpsecrafter)

HP = 216, fast healing 3

Initiative = +10 =  +2 (dex) + 4 (corpsescrafter) + 4 (imp. initiative)

speed: 80’ = 30’ base + 10 corpsecrafter + 10 speed of thought + 30 monk & SSN

AC = 52 = 10 + 2 (dex) + 8 (armor) + 3 (NA) + 8 (defl.) +6 (NA, iron bones) +7 (def. procog. insight) +8(shield)

BAB/grapple: 17 / 30 (powerful build, Str)

attack: claw 1d4, bite 1d6, unarmed

full attack: 2 claws, 1 bite, or flurry, or maneuvers

space/reach: 5’/5’

Saves: 18/24/26 ... base 9/11/11 + 2 (spellstiched) + 7 (def. procog. insight) + stats

Feats: multiattack (bonus), speed of thought, improved paralysis, contagious paralysis, adaptive style, dodge, blind fight, improved initiative, boost spell resistance, ??? (x2)

Abilities: base: 16/12/8/14/15/12...  Str +6+4(insight), Dex +2, Int+8, Wis +6, Cha +14

Abilities: Str 28, Dex 14, Con -, Int 24, Wis 22, Cha 26

skills: no racial bonuses, max out rogue skills, pump cc into UMD

Special Attacks

            contagious paralysis, Fort DC = 33

            paralysis - bite or claw, 1d4+1 rounds, DC cha based + 7

            ghoul fever - bite (Fort save, 1d3 con/1d3 dex), DC cha based

            sweeping strike

Special Qualities

            powerful build

            darkvision 90’

            hide in plain sight

            DR 3/-, and DR 5/silver and magic

            Spell/Power Resistance = 10+HD+5 (Daazzix) + 2 (profane)

            turn resistance +8 +4(armor of darkness)

            diet dependant

            chain +4 to Str/Con/AC (warmind, insight)

            Phrenic powers


Spell-like Abilities (spellstiched)

1: ???, ???

2: necrotic cyst, ???

3: haste, ???

4: iron bones, Freedom of Movement

5: ???

6: necrotic eruption


SLA (evolved undead, 1/day): Cloudkill or Greater Dispel Magic

SLA (primordial): Invisibility


Powers: (133 PP)

1: expansion, ???

2: hustle

3: ???

4: ???

5: ???


Phrenic powers... see SRD


Maneuvers: ??? (potential 9th level maneuvers from all schools)



Other notes:




Vampire Lord (Atropos)

side 1: Warlock 12/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7/Demonbinder

side 2: Primordial Half-Giant 1/Vampire 8/Vampire Lord 3/Lurking Terror 3/Master of the Unseen Hand 5

buffs: demonbind

Medium Undead (Augmented)

HP = 20d12 + 80 (corpsecrafter & desecrate) + 20 (vampire lord) + 45 (demonbind)

HP = 281, fast healing 8


Initiative = Dex + 4(corpsecrafter) + 4 (imp. init)

Speed: 40’ land, 50’ flight (perfect)

AC = 36 = 10 + 4 (Dex) + 8 (+4 mithril chain shirt) + 14 (NA)

BAB/grapple: 16/ 29

attack: 2 slams, eldritch blast

full attack:

space/reach: 5’/5’

Saves: 17/23/28 ... base 6/6/12 + stats + Cha + iron will + lightning reflexes

Abilities: base 14/12/8/15/12/16... Str +14, Dex +6, Int +8, Wis +4, Cha +12

Abilities: Str 28, Dex 18, Con - , Int 24, Wis 16, Cha 32

skills: max out crafting, face skills, and UMD... racial bonuses: +8 bluff, diplomacy, hide, intimidate, listen, move silently, search, spot, +12 sense motive

Feats: iron will (bonus), leadership (bonus), alertness (bonus), combat reflexes (bonus), dodge (bonus), improved initiative (bonus), lightning reflexes (bonus), spell focus, greater spell focus, skill focus, craft wondrous item, craft arms/armor, craft construct, ??? (x3)


Special Attacks

            Energy Drain - slam deals 3 negative levels

            Dominate - gaze or voice, does not require line of sight

            Blood Drain - 1d4+ Con


Special Qualities

            powerful build

            Alternate Form - wildshape as move action

            Children of the Night - serves forever, can sense through their senses, 10 miles

            Control Weather/Fog Cloud - at will

            Create Spawn - fuzzy 3.0/3.5 area, spawn can never be lost

            Telepathy 100’ (with spawn to 1 mile)

            Turn Resistance +12

            Damage Reduction 20/silver and magic

            Gaseous Form

            Resistances: 10 cold and electricity

            Spider Climb - at will

            Scry + 4 racial bonus

            Fast Healing 8

            Telekinesis - at will, Master of the Unseen Hand

            Veils - IotSF

            Demonform (true seeing from Glabrezu)


No weakness to garlic, running water, holy symbols, wooden stakes, etc.

has normal reflections in mirrors

can withstand sunlight, but takes -4 to all ability scores, attacks, saves, and skills


To kill: remove head, burn body and head separately, scatter body ashes in running water, immerse head ashes in holy water, bury the immersed head ashes in consecrated ground


Revival: unearth the head ashes, dry out, subject to unhallow spell, will regenerate in a week




Dry Lich (Clotho)

side 1: Cleric 3/Walker in the Waste 10/Paragnostic Apostle 5/Contemplative 1/Swarmshifter 1

side 2: Primordial Half-Giant 1/Incarnate 6/Necrocarnate 13

buffs: necrotic empowerment

Medium Undead

HP = 20d12 + 20*Cha + 20*2 (desecrate) + 20*2 (corpsecrafter) + 19*6 (vitality belt) + 100 (necrotic empowerment)

HP = 670 (assuming Cha = 34), fast healing 2, DR 10/bludgeon and magic

Initiative = +7 = 3 (Dex) +4

Speed = 40’ base

AC = 41 = 10 + (2) Dex + 12 (+4 mithril full plate) + 9 (NA) +8 (nec. emp)

BAB/grapple = +10/+16

attack = dessicating  touch +xx (5d6 dehydration +Con drain +1d6 cold) or weapon

full attack = touch +xx (5d6 dehydration +Con drain +1d6 cold) or weapon

space/reach = 5’/5’

saves: 14/9/19   ... base 9/6/12

abilities: base 10/8/8/14/15/18...   Str +4, Dex -2+8(enh), Int +4+8(enh), Wis +4+8(enh), Cha +6,

Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con - , Int 26, Wis 28, Cha 34 (w/+6 item)

skills: +8 racial to hide, intimidate, listen, move silently, search, spot

feats: heat endurance, corpsecrafter x5, undead meldshaper, practiced spellcaster, master of undeath


Special Attacks

            aura of despair 60’ (save or be shaken for 1d4 rounds)

            constitution drain - on touch attack, 1d6 Con drain, gain 5 temp hp

            the wasting - disease 1/day

            pillar of salt - flesh to salt 1/day

Special Qualities

            powerful build

            turn resistance +10

            DR 10/bludgeon and magic,

            fast healing 2

            immunities: undead stuff, dehydration, heat, polymorph, mind affecting

            unholy toughness

            water weakness

Greater Drought

Create Sand Golem

Create Salt Mummy

9th level cleric spells, deathbound/necromancy/darkness domains

Incarnum: 8 soulmelds, 5 chakras, 6 base essentia


Necrotic Empowerment: +8 Dex/Int/Wis (enhancement), +100 temp hp, +8 NA, +5 Fort




- capable battlefield control/wide scale (9th level maneuvers, Master of Nine)

--- especially Setting Sun (throwing) and contagious paralysis

- stealth and infiltration - shadow sun ninja

- huge speed, AC, good saves, high spell resistance, (invisibility)

- impressive array of buffs and abilities through warmind, spellstiched, and phrenic

--- choice of spells/powers will greatly affect what kind of roles she plays

- carrier for the necrotic cyst; sneak in and infect important targets



- defensive oriented: veils and the highest saves and damage reduction

- unlimited minions (spawn, dominate, etc)

- leadership oriented, in addition to the minions

- heals her sisters and the undead army with her eldritch utterdark blasts

- creates golems and items



- creates the undead army

- tank at 670 hp

- 9th level cleric casting

- aura of despair

- scry and control through the necrotic cyst


Ghoul + Shadesteel Golem

- shadow sun ninja stances give off light or dark; light will haste the Shadesteel, dark will heal it and give it concealment

- Shadesteel gives off negative energy pulse, heals undead around it



Vampire + golems

- shadesteel is healed by darkness

- clay is healed by acid


Lich + Vampire

- creates the army

- spellstitch the powerful ones


Ghoul + Lich

- ghoul sneaks in and delivers the necrotic cyst (or uses necrotic eruption), lich can now see through the infected victim(s), can control them, or kill them at any time


Ghoul + Vampire

- throw enemies into the veils





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