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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 9 months ago

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Since I'm the one most directly connected to the spirit world, I'll post my musings on how I've interacted with it so far. If anyone has any comments, or Fil if you think my view of the spirit world is different from yours, let me know.

(thoughts are not in any particular order)


Due to Sul’s fragmented nature (his “normal” self and “shadow” self), low level spirits and those with “spirit sight” don’t really notice him when he’s in a host body or don’t understand what they see. More powerful entities will notice him, but may still be confused by his duality. They will see a body, but perhaps only spirit fragments (some of the host spirit, some of Sul’s spirit, maybe some of the shadow self off to the side, etc).


Since Sul's shadow companion was "woven" from the rational fragments of his mind by DavidWL/Tanner, this has left Sul with a more chaotic nature, while the companion is correspondingly lawful. Both are seemingly neutral, with Sul leaning more towards good (whether there is a good/evil duality remains to be seen). If as Fil suggests that the companion may evolve into a cohort, this will further the duality. Effects of this on either Sul or the companion's mental states is unknown.


Sul constantly hears “voices”, or more like distant screams and agony. Most likely his inherent mind reading abilities kicking in. The Eberron setting has nations creating their armies using undead spirits, so perhaps Sul is hearing their anguish. He doesn't know what he hears though, as it is all too muddled. This may be part of the reason why he descended into madness in the first place. Or maybe he does understand what the voices are saying, but it is such a terrible painful thing that his mind has blocked it out, even fragmented to protect himself...

plot hook: uncover the mystery of the voices


Perhaps the dark companion, his rational self, understands it all but is unable to do anything by itself, so is slowly trying to help Sul understand the horror by leading him to people and places that he needs to be.


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