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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 9 months ago

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Notes for the development of Vic


race: human (not set in stone)


- first "meets" Sul in his teens

- Sul's Vigilante life probably stretches at least half a decade

- Vic should be in his early adulthood by the time Sul reveals himself to him





potential build ideas if Vic ever comes back as a cohort or NPC

Psionics or Artificer - because we don't have anything like that in the team yet

Psion Uncarnate - to emulate Sul's ghostiness

Totemist - because I like Incarnum


Ooh, random idea: Ardent/Psion Uncarnate/XYZ//Artificer/Renegade Mastermaker/XYZ

- so that would make me a... construct with the living construct AND incorporeal subtypes




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